When to use plug-ins vs. workflow?

As a developer who is interested in extending or customizing Microsoft Dynamics CRM, you can choose from several methods to perform your tasks. In addition to adding client-side JavaScript code to a form or adding custom ASP.NET pages, you can write a plug-in or create a custom workflow by using the web interface that calls a custom workflow activity. How do you decide when to use a plug-in and when to use a workflow? The technology that you use depends on the task that you have to perform and who will author the customization.
For example, you must use a synchronous plug-in real-time workflow if you want to execute custom code immediately before or after the core platform operation executes and before the result of the operation is returned from the platform. You cannot use an asynchronous workflow or asynchronous plug-in in this situation because they are queued to execute after the core operation finishes executing. Therefore, you cannot predict when they will run. If you want to add custom functionality to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, workflows and plug-ins are supported, but custom workflow activities are not.
Evaluate these technologies and select the one that best suits your business objectives after you consider the deployment, performance, and maintenance concerns of your plug-in or workflow solution.
The following table summarizes the characteristics of plug-ins and workflows.


Execution before or after the core platform operation (Create, Update, Delete, and so on)
Executes immediately before or after the core operation (synchronous).
Can also be queued to execute after the core operation (asynchronous).
Asynchronous workflows are queued to execute after the core operation.
Real-time workflows have similar characteristics to plug-ins.
Performance impact on the server
Synchronous plug-ins can increase the platform response time because they are part of the main platform processing.
Asynchronous plug-ins have less impact on server response time because the code is run in a different process.
Asynchronous workflows have less impact on server response time because the code is run in a different process.
Real-time workflows have similar performance characteristics to sandboxed plug-ins.
Security restrictions
To register a plug-in with the platform requires a System Administrator or System Customizer security role and membership in the Deployment Administrator group.
Users can interactively create workflows in the web application.
However, to register a custom workflow activity, the deploying user must have the same security roles as those required for registering plug-ins.
Microsoft Dynamics CRM version (SKU) support
Supported in Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online when registered in the sandbox. May be supported in partner-hosted installations at the discretion of the partner.
Workflows are supported by all CRM deployments. Custom workflow activities are supported in the sandbox of Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online, and in or outside the sandbox for on-premises/IFD deployments.
Length of processing time
A plug-in registered for synchronous or asynchronous execution is restricted to complete its execution in a two-minute time limit.
Works well for either short or long processes. However, each activity in a workflow cannot take longer than two minutes to complete.
Works when the Dynamics CRM for Outlook client is offline
Both online and offline are supported.
Workflows do not execute when offline.
Process and data persistence
Plug-ins execute until they are completed. Plug-ins must be written to be stateless where no in-memory data is persisted.
Asynchronous workflows can be paused, postponed, canceled, and resumed through SDK calls or by the user through the web application. The state of the workflow is automatically saved before it is paused or postponed.
Real-time workflows cannot have any wait states. They must execute to completion just like plug-ins.
Plug-ins can perform data operations on behalf of another system user.
Asynchronous workflows cannot use impersonation, while real-time workflows can. Real-time workflows can execute either as the owner of the workflow or as the calling user.
Software engineers or programmers can author plug-ins.
Anyone, including an end user, business analyst, or administrator can author workflows if they have the proper permissions.
There is no significant performance impact on the server between an asynchronous plug-in and a workflow.

What type of workflow is better?

From a performance perspective, is it better to create a single long workflow or is it better to have multiple child workflows and call them in one parent workflow? The child workflow approach achieves lower throughput, but it is more manageable if you frequently change your workflow definition. Compilation overhead is not a major concern because the workflow is compiled only during publishing. However, Microsoft Dynamics CRM incurs overhead when it starts each workflow instance. The overhead occurs when all entities that are used in the workflow are retrieved and the child workflow is started in a two-step process that includes a 'Workflow Expansion Task' and the actual workflow instance. Therefore, for maximum throughput, use a single long workflow.

How should you mark your custom workflow activity as completed?

The return value from the Execute method is used by the workflow runtime to mark the activity as “completed.” You should use return base.Execute(executionContext) unless the activity bypasses base class functionality. Avoid returning ActivityExecutionStatus.Closed. More information: ActivityExecutionStatus Enumeration

How should you report exceptions in custom workflow activities?

You should throw an InvalidPlugInExecutionException in your code. This error will be shown in the workflow instance form.

Can you define custom entities that are specific to business units?

Custom entities have privileges for each security role but not for each business unit. To define custom entities that are visible only to specified business units, you must create different security roles for each business unit and grant privileges to the custom entity in the appropriate role.
