
Showing posts from August, 2013

Synchronous vs. Asynchronous

Synchronous In general, synchronous (pronounced SIHN-kro-nuhs, from Greek syn-, meaning "with," and chronos, meaning "time") is an adjective describing objects or events that are coordinated in time. In information technology, the term has several different usages. In other words a process occurring at the same time or at the same rate or with a regular or predictable time relationship or sequence. Asynchronous  In general, asynchronous (pronounced ay-SIHN-kro-nuhs, from Greek asyn-, meaning "not with," and chronos, meaning "time") is an adjective describing objects or events that are not coordinated in time. In information technology, the term has several different usages. In other words a process whose execution can proceed independently, "in the background". Other processes may be started before the asynchronous process has finished. In computer programs, asynchronous operation means that a process operates independently of oth...
Whenever you install MSCRM what all databases get created? Answer: MSCRM_Config and  MSCRM _orgname.

MS CRM Frequentaly Integration

Dynamics CRM is frequently integrated with the data and services of systems such as:  ERP and accounting systems like Dynamics GP, NAV, and AX, as well as third-party systems like SAP, QuickBooks, and many others CTI/Telephone systems like Cisco and Avaya Line-of-business applications, such as manufacturing process management systems and shipping systems. Internal and external-facing Web sites, from simple contact or help request forms through full portal and e-commerce integration l File and data repositories and directories l External data sources used for lead generation and market research, such as Dun & Bradstreet, Hoover’s, or Dodge Reports.   Recognizing the need for these kinds of integrations, Microsoft has designed Dynamics CRM to be an incredibly flexible and extensible system with many points for integration. Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 is itself an integrated system, each tier of the system having multiple integration ...

Append v/s append To.....

Append and Append To are two privileges that most user are not very clear about regarding their functionality. In this article we try to explain the difference between “Append” and “Append To” Privileges and how it affects the user access. Append and Append To basically deal with the entities that are parties to a 1:N relationship or N:1 relationship. Append:  When an entity has the lookup of another entity on its form. It is important that the user have the “Append” privilege on this entity so that it can set the values for the lookups on this entity. For eg: Contact has the lookup of Account on its form so here the user needs to have the “Append” privilege to be able to set the parent account. Append To:  When an entity is available as a lookup on another entity form. It is important that the user have the “Append to” privilege on the entity that is referred to in the lookup so that it can set the values for the lookups of this entity on any other form. For eg: Account ha...

Many to Many Relationship in Dynamics CRM 2011.

I get asked about many-to-many (a.k.a. N:N) relationships more than just about any other single topic, so here’s a summary of how they work in Dynamics CRM 2011. I’ll review both “native” and “manual” N:N’s, using a simple Association to Contact relationship to illustrate. This is a classic many-to-many: each association should be able to have multiple contacts associated with it, and each contact should in turn be able to be associated with many associations. Native N:N Relationships With native N:N relationships, you open up an entity for customization, click the N:N relationships link, and click the  New Many to Many Relationship  button and select the entity to create the relationship to. For the Association to Contact N:N relationship, I’ll start from the Association entity: In the previous figure, notice that Do no Display is selected in the Display Option for each side. I only show that to illustrate a point: what this will do is prevent the relationship from be...

Create Solutions That Support Multiple Languages(localization)

Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online support multiple languages. If you want your solution to be installed for organizations that include different base languages or that have multiple languages provisioned, take this into account when planning your solution. The following table lists tactics to use along with solution components to include in a solution that supports multiple languages.   Tactic Solution Component Type Developer Option Web Resources Embedded Labels Application Navigation (SiteMap) Ribbons Export and Import Translations Attributes Charts Dashboards Entity Entity Relationships Forms Messages Option Sets Views Localization in Base Language Strings Contract Templates Connection Roles Processes (Workflow) Security Roles Field Security Profiles Localization Not Required SDK Message Processing Steps Service Endpoints Separate Component for Each Language Article Templates Email Templates Mail Merg...

MS Dynamics CRM 2011 Bulk Workflow Execution Tool

Ever since I started working with Dynamics CRM, I have always been searching for ways to become more efficient when it comes to those repeatable tasks we all LOVE doing every day. CRM has limitations that we all do our best to find ways around. In this case, everyone I know that works with CRM has workflows that they run to manipulate data, usually in mass. The only drawback – running the same workflow for 25k records takes FOREVER to go page by page, 250 records at a time. I would rather do the bug eating challenge on Fear Factor… So I eventually thought, “There has to be a better way of doing this.” I came up with my first solution which was 100% CRM based, but the solution did not work well with due to plug-in timeouts. So I decided to make things run on the client side and created the Bulk Workflow Execution Tool. The CRM 2011 Bulk Workflow Execution Tool allows you to run any On Demand workflow in CRM 2011 (On Premise and Online) for any view (System or Personal) for the ent...

Web Services to using from data access?

two     web services to involve in data access? a.       REST endpoint The REST endpoint provides a ‘RESTful’ web service using OData to provide a programming environment.It is the recommended web service to use for tasks that involve creating, retrieving, updating and deleting records. b.       SOAP endpoint The SOAP endpoint provides access to all the messages defined in the Organization service. However, only the types defined within the WSDL will be returned.

Web services in CRM 2011?

In 2011 there are 2 web services:-- 1)IDiscovery Services:-when we want to organization level information and currency level detail information use discovery services.   2)IOrganigation services + Meta data services: They are basically 6 method Crate ,Update ,delete,retrieve,retrieve multiple and execute (response Request). 

What is Plugin using purpose Plugin writing Step

Plugin: -- A plug-in is custom business logic (code) that you can integrate with Microsoft Dynamics CRM 2011 and Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online to modify or augment the standard behavior of the platform. Another way to think about plug-ins is that they are handlers for events fired by Microsoft Dynamics CRM. You can subscribe, or register, a plug-in to a known set of events to have your code run when the event occurs. Plugin tools Types: They are basically two types A)      Preoperational  Plug-in (Asynchronous) B)       Post operational plogin(Synchronous ) What is the purpose of plug in? a.        Performing complex platform level data validation b.       Performing auto-number generation c.        Providing integration with other applications d.       Executing complex business logic e.   ...

How To Communicating from BizTalk Server to Dynamics CRM

The way that you send requests from BizTalk Server to Dynamics CRM 2011 has changed significantly in this release. In the previous versions of Dynamics CRM, a BizTalk "send" adapter was available for communicating with the platform. Dynamics CRM 2011 no longer ships with an adapter and developers are encouraged to use the WCF endpoints exposed by the product. Dynamics CRM has both a WCF REST and SOAP endpoint. The REST endpoint can only be used within the CRM application itself. For instance, you can build what is called a  web resource  that is embedded in a Dynamics CRM page. This resource could be a Microsoft Silverlight or HTML page that looks up data from three different Dynamics CRM entities and aggregates them on the page. This web resource can communicate with the Dynamics CRM REST API, which is friendly to JavaScript clients. Unfortunately, you cannot use the REST endpoint from outside of the Dynamics CRM environment, but because BizTalk cannot communicate with R...

Event Execution Pipeline MSCRM

Pipeline Stages The event pipeline is divided into multiple stages, of which 4 are available to register custom developed or 3rd party plug-ins. Multiple plug-ins that are registered in each stage can be further be ordered (ranked) within that stage during plug-in registration. Event Stage name Stage number Description Pre-Event Pre-validation 10 Stage in the pipeline for plug-ins that are to execute before the main system operation. Plug-ins registered in this stage may execute outside the database transaction. Security Note The pre-validation stage occurs prior to security checks being performed to verify the calling or logged on user has the correct permissions to perform the intended operation. Pre-Event Pre-operation 20 Stage in the pipeline for plug-ins that are to execute before the main system operation. Plug-ins registered in this stage are executed within the database transaction. Platform Core Operation MainOperation 30 In-transacti...
differences between  CRM 2011  Online  versus On Premise are: CRM  2011  Online  does not support custom workflow dlls CRM  2011 Onpremise – doesn’t have the Internet Lead Capture Feature CRM 2011 Onpremise offer database access for reading data online not provide this kind of fasilty. CRM  2011  Online  makes it impossible to database restore to a specific date/time CRM  2011  Online  limits you to 200 custom workflows and 200 custom entities CRM  2011  Online  requires you to use the Windows Live ID (AD integration is coming, but it is not here yet) CRM  2011  Online  does not offer an email router — this must be locally hosted